
Life Changes

Dear blog readers,

Here is the view from our window lately...

Here is the only menu I've been looking at...

Here is the jewelry I've been wearing...

Here is a glimpse at our latest reading material....

Here is where my heart is right now...
I will be stepping out of the food blog world for a time, while we devote our hearts and souls to taking care of our 16-year-old son, Spencer, who was just diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 

He began treatment yesterday with an aggressive round of chemo that likely will keep him in the hospital for the better part of several months.  We are scared and overwhelmed at what the next few months will bring for our family, but already have felt the power of angels (earthly and heavenly) buoying us up and bringing us strength.  

Our needs are being met wonderfully well and we do not need anything other than your prayers for him and for our family. 

With love,
"I believe God not only resides in the joy and new life of spring, like a reward if we make it through the winter. We can find him in every season, if were willing to look. I just happen to be in a tough season right now. Its winter for me. I trust a new and joyous season is on the way, God will bring me spring when he is ready. He just wants to meet me in the winter right now"  

I don't know where this quote originated, but within hours of his diagnosis, my son made this quote his Facebook status.  


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