
Lime Mint Sorbet (a Vitamix recipe)

I have had a blast playing around with my Vitamix since I got it last August.  I am always looking for new recipes and ways to utilize it's great features.  This sorbet is one of those sneaky ingredient recipes that tastes delicious and you'd never guess what's in it.  The beautiful green color comes, not from the lime, but from the spinach in this dessert!   This is a kid-friendly recipe and a great way to sneak some extra greens into your diet.  Also, this is dairy-free, so a great frozen treat for people (like me) who are lactose intolerant.  Enjoy~

Lime Mint Sorbet


1/2 cup Welch's frozen grape juice concentrate (the one with the yellow lid and no added sugar), thawed
1/2 banana, peeled
1/2 cup fresh or frozen pineapple
1/2 to 1 cup fresh organic spinach leaves ( I use about 3/4 cup)
1 small slice of lime, including peel
1 mint leaf
3 cups ice

Put all ingredients into the blender in order listed. 

Blend on high for 45 seconds to 1 minute, pressing down with tamper to blend well.  When the machine sound changes and four mounds form, the sorbet is ready to serve.  Serve immediately.  
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