Sankranti, Sankranthi, Makar Sankranti, Makar Sankranthi, makar sankranti songs, makar sankranti recipe, sankranti recipe, makar sankranti celebrations, makar sankranti, tithi, makar sankranti history, sankranti, sankranti 2012 date
Sankranti celebrated on January 14th. It is a day of month when sun moves fromone Zodiac sign to other. The word Sankranti is derived from word - Sat + Kranti means good change orauspiciios movement. Sankranti also signify change. Sankranti is considered anauspicious day. Makar means Capricorn. On Makar Sankranti sun movesfrom Sagittarius into Capricorn.
Sankranti is once in a month. MakarSankranti is celeberated once in year
Makar Sankranti is celeberated in every parts of India. In locallanguage hindi, Telgu, Marathi, Kannada, Assamese it is written as
Telugu: మకర సంక్రాంతి
Marathi: मकर संक्रान्ति
Kannada: ಮಕರ ಸಂಕ್ರಾಂತಿ
Assamese: মকৰ সংক্রান্তি
This festival, unlike other Hindu festivals, is not dependent onthe position of the moon, but on position of the sun. On this day, the sunenters the zodiac sign of Capricorn. To compensate for the difference thatoccurs due to the revolution around the sun, every eighty years the day ofsankrant is postponed by one day. In the present period Makar-sankrant falls on14th January.
Sankranti History
Makar Sankranti marks the day when the sun begins its northwardjourney and enters the sign of Makar (the Capricorn) from the Tropicof Cancer. It is like the movement of sun from Dakshinayana (south)to Uttarayana (north) hemisphere. It is the one of the few chosen IndianHindu festivals which has a fixed date. This day falls on the 14th of Januaryevery year according to the Hindu Solar Calendar.
Sankranti means transmissionof Sun from one zodiac in Indian astrology to the other. As per Hindu customarybeliefs, there are 12 such Sankrantis in all. But the festival is celebratedonly on the occasion of Makara Sankaranti i.e. the transition of the Sun from Sagittarius('Dhanu' Rashi ) to Capricorn('Makara' Rasi). In this case, the zodiacsare measured sidereally, and not tropically, in order to account the Earth'sprecession. That is why the festival falls about 21 days after the tropicalwinter solstice which lies between December 20 and 23rd. Here the sun marks thestarting of Uttarayana, which means northern progress of Sun.
It isbelieved that the great Bhishma of Mahabharatha who had fallen to thearrows of Arjun and who had a boon to choose the time of his death, waitedon the bed of arrows to depart from this world only during this period.

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