
Testy Lemon Cupcakes

Lemon coconut cakes are best when used outside of a fresh coconut. I had to learn the hard way. DO NOT let your coconut sit in the fridge for long because the water inside turns brown (yuck). I also like to shred the coconut and lemon on top after adding the icing to make the cupcake look unique. Another of my personal favorites is consistent drizzle lemon lemon pies are the best.

To make lemon cupcakes spray is needed:

* 250 g of sugar
* Eggs
* Flour
* Grated zest of 2 lemons
* Juice of 1 lemon (do not mix until just combined too)

Once finished pouring the remaining lemon juice over the remaining sugar and grated 150 grams, immediately spoon over the cake, let cool. As you can see I am a big fan of lemon cupcakes. I've always liked rubber citrus flavors of cakes. I've always liked citrus flavors, since you can always come up with a new recipe while containing some flavor.

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