The Winter Melon Soup with Tiger Lilies Coriander and Mint Recipe the soup uses two traditional siuth east asian ingredients winter melon to a absorb the flavours and tiger lilies to lift the broth with a floral scent. When Choosing tiger lilies, make sure they are light golden in colour.
350g/120z winter melon
25glloz li gh t golden tiger lilies, soaked in hot water
for 20 minutes
salt and ground black pepper
1 small bunch each coriander
(cilantro) and mint, stalks removed, leaves chopped , to serve
For the stock:
25g/loz dried shrimp, soaked in water for 15 min utes
500g/1 1/4 Ib pork ribs
1 onion , peeled and quartered
175g/60z car rots, peeled and cut into chunks
15m/1 tbsp nUDe mam
15ml/1 tbsp soy sauce
4 black peppercorns
1 To make th e stoc k, drain and ri nse the dried shrim p. Put the pork ribs in a large pan and cove r with 2 litres/ 3 1/2 pin ts/8 cups water. Bring the water to the boil , skim off any fat, and add the dri ed shrimp and the remaining stock ingredients. Cover and simmer for l lh hours, then skim off any foam or fat. Cont inue simmering, un covered, for a furth er 30 minutes. Stra in and check the seasoning. You should have about 1.5 litres/2 lh pints/6 1/4 cups.
2 Halve the winter melon lengthways and remove the seeds and inner membrane. Finely slice the f lesh into half-moon s. Squeeze the soaked tiger lilies dry and tie th em in a knot.
3 Bring th e stock to the boil in a deep pan or wok. Red uce the heat and add the winter melon and tiger lilies. Simmer for 15- 20 minutes, or until the winter melon is tender. Season to ta ste, and scatter the herbs over the top.
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Winter Melon Soup with Tiger Lilies Coriander and Mint |
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