
Easy Gourmet Chocolate Bark

recipes's sister-in-law Karey here! I'm on a mostly sugar-free diet, but I am a huge sucker for holidays! One simply cannot celebrate Valentine's Day without chocolate, right? When I saw a recipe on Mama's Minutia for a simple chocolate bark calling for only three ingredients, that sealed the deal! This is a super easy recipe for a delicious grown-up treat.

1 bag dark chocolate chips (I use Ghirardelli 60% Cacao)
1/4 cup dried cherries
1/4 cup chopped almonds

Melt chocolate over a double boiler or in the microwave until smooth. Pour half of the chocolate into 1 9x9 pan, lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle almonds and cherries over the chocolate, and press down if desired. Pour remaining chocolate over the top. Chill in the fridge, or at room temperature until the chocolate hardens. If you want bars, score the chocolate when it's partially set, so you can break it apart more easily once fully hardened.
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