
I'm hosting this week's Weekend Herb Blogging...

... so if there's an excellent recipe (or a fascinating story about) using a herb, vegetable, fruit or even edible flower that you've been wanting to tell other foodbloggers about, now is your chance.

If you're interested in participating, then first check out some WHB rules Weekend Herb Blogging rules, then post a recipe/informative post any time during the week, including a link back to this blog. You'll have until this Sunday evening, October 28th, to send in your entries, and I will post a round-up next Monday.

Please send a link to your WHB entry to nami DOT nami AT yahoo DOT com, putting WHB in the Subject line, and including your name, blog name, location and recipe name in the email.

First entries have already started to arrive, and I hope there will be some new participants joining WHB this week!

Click here to read my previous Weekend Herb Blogging entries.
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