
Chocolate Flax and Whey Protein Smoothie

2 scoops whey protein isolate *
2-3 T. unsweetened cocoa powder (not processed with alkali)
about 8 ice cubes
1/2 c. water (add slowly- you only need enough to get the ice grinding)
cinnamon, to taste
2 T. ground flax
2 T. almond butter

Add everything to the Vitamix (or your blender) and blend on high for 1-3 minutes until smooth. You can add more water or blend longer to get a more liquid consistency- I like it thicker where I can eat it with a spoon. This is great as a dessert or as a meal. I add extra almond butter and top the smoothie with extra flax and cinnamon since I am an almond and flax addict.

* I only use very high quality whey protein isolate from NOW Foods (or Greens and Whey from Biochem). They are both gluten free and the whey isolate is lactose free- if you are dairy sensitive, do not use whey concentrate or whey blends since they do have lactose.

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