
So I've been Meme-ed

You can thank Karina for roping me into this wonderful meme...thing. The glorious part is now you get to be bored with ...

8 Random Facts About Me:
  1. I was a teenage hooligan and I worshipped Che Guevara and Rage Against the Machine. I walked around with a big, black squeaky dog toy police bat to protest police brutality, I knew every word to F**k the Police, and I made trouble and stirred up political arguments at every opportunity (I was a helluva memeber of the debate team). I carried around an old copy of the CCP Manifesto (that's the Chinese communist party) and was very concerned with social injustice- typical angry overly-dramatic teen :) I am now a vocal supporter of Ron Paul- there's real social justice!
  2. I can't do mental math but I won my college annual mathematics Clark Medal award and our physics annual department outstanding student award (split with my fiance Jon). I pretend to be immensely proud that I can do abstract math, topology, nuclear and astrophysics but I cannot count back change, lol. I also can't easily read an analog clock :)
  3. I eat almond butter with a spoon... with cold tofu even... with salsa- I don't care!
  4. My interests are nutrition, fitness, cooking, and of course art.
  5. I grew up in a lower middle class area with hardworking parents, both remarried, and have 2 moms (and a bossy older sister).
  6. Cats and turtles are my favorite pets; I only like HUGE short hair dogs- small dogs make me twitch.
  7. I hate tv- except Scrubs- I am a sucker for comedy.
  8. My favorite music is blues/jazz/folk and country even though I grew up listening to rap and heavy metal.
  9. Every car I have just so happens to be gold and named Sid after my high school infatuation with Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols. I can't follow directions (why I don't cook with recipes, give 9 topics & why there are two facts in #9).
The poor souls that I tag are:
The Gluten Free Gal
Gastro Girl
Dianne @ Gluten Free Journey
Shannon @ Digestive Diva
Jean @ Gluten Free Momma
MappyB @ Gluten Free MappyB
KerryAnn @ Cooking Traditional Foods
Andrea @ The Holistic Chef

The rules for this meme are:

1. Let others know who tagged you.
2. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
4. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged .
~~Rules are meant to be broken- at least pushed a little :)

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