
Know Your Metabolic Type

Even if you're gluten free, your diet may not be quite up to par for your individual body type. I discovered this the hard way as I spent my whole life devouring carbs, carbs, carbs, dairy, and more carbs. I was never obese, but I certainly aggravated my diabetes and I carried excess weight from bloating and food reactions. As it turns out, my body is geared more towards protein and high quality fat and a complete diet makeover became necessary if I didn't want a future of insulin injection, fatigue, and overall ill health. The following is a post I put on a Celiac.com forum awhile ago to address concerns of weight gain on a GF diet:
Eating gluten free is certainly necessary for us all, but make sure you are also not missing any other allergies. I highly recommend metabolic typing- it has worked wonders for me and I realized I spent my entire life not only poisoning myself (favorite foods of mac and cheese, Alfredo pasta, Vienna sausages, etc) but also eating completely wrong for my body. A short little free test is at:
Natural health yellow pages.com
Try it out and see what you are. I am an extremely strong protein type but my fiance is a complete carb type! We have double/separate meals most of the time, but soups and flax bread-based pizza work great- you can add whatever suits your body more- veggies and grains or meats/proteins. I find it easiest to make a basic meal and add some additional flax, olive oil, hemp or other fat and protein source to my portion while giving Jon a little more veggies and complex carbs.

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