First, imagine registering for your wedding as a couple and picture in your head the glorious bickering which comes along with both the bride and groom shopping. I am obviously a kitchen stuff fanatic, but I also love tools (cordless drill you're sexy too); Jon is a great companion shopper since we like the same kind of practical things.... that is until I wanted a gigantic pepper grinder.
I don't know what it is about a foot tall pepper grinder- maybe this is my one frivolous over-done obnoxious American indulgence, but I just HAD to register for a HUGE pepper grinder. I always loved them in fancy restaurants and there's just something about gripping this monster that is immensely satisfying. Jon hated the idea of registering for a huge grinder saying it was a waste- why didn't I just want a small stainless steel grinder? Well darnit, BECAUSE! Combine a huge grinder with elegant bamboo and I'm set. He even accused me on countless occasions (in an entirely too loud voice in public) of confusing the pepper grinder with some horrible Freudian urge or phallic symbol. Hey, some men love hot rods and some women love expensive jewelry- I don't care about either... just the essentials like an excessive foot-tall pepper grinder.
Of course being the frugal person I am, I refused to register for many of the grinders we saw since they were way overpriced. So we went, store to store (about 6 or 7 in all including the outlet malls) over the course of a few months to find the perfect affordable grinder. My mother about bought us one at one of the outlet malls since she insists on spoiling me... Mom, there are only so many times you can say "But we didn't get you a Master's present yet" :)
In the end, we found this bamboo beauty on Amazon for the best price and added it to our registry. Now some people may say "who cares about the price, you're not paying for it"... how misled a philosophy! My motto is "Waste not"... and that I will do- I will never miss an opportunity at any meal to satisfy my gigantic pepper grinder obsession from now on, and that's a promise!
Thank you my almost family-in-law, the Jockers, for my wonderful, wonderful gift! Momma J, you have great taste! Now you all have to visit to get some huge pepper grinder lovin' :)

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