2 T. kelp (or your choice seaweed)
2 c. water
1 t. organic apple cider vinegar (optional, it gives it a nice flavor and kick)
2 T. organic hemp protein powder (optional, I use it to add the good balance of Omega 6:3 fats and protein. Hemp is vegan, gluten, and dairy free; it is also low carb.)
tarragon (optional- adds a very strong flavor and aroma, so omit it if you don't like tarragon)
sea salt and pepper
red pepper flakes (optional)
Pour vegetable broth, water, and vinegar into 2 bowls. Add spices and kelp and microwave for 3-4 minutes on high (or you can use a stove top and pot if you object to microwaves). When hot, add torn kale leaves and a scoop of hemp powder. Serve hot with a large salad like my Hemp and Sprout Green Salad.
Serves: 2

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