
Roast Duck with Orange

1 duck breast
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 orange, juice only
85ml/3fl oz white wine

1. Preheat a medium frying pan.
2. Preheat oven to 250C/500F/Gas 9.
3. Rub the duck breast with salt and soy sauce.
4. Prick the duck with a fork. Place the duck, skin side down, in the fry pan.
5. Fry the duck over a high heat until the skin is golden. Remove the duck from the frying pan.
6. Place the duck on a roasting rack, skin side up, and roast in the oven for ten minutes, or until slightly pink in the middle.
7. Prepare an orange sauce by pouring the fat from the roast duck into a small pan.
8. Add the orange juice and wine to the duck fat and boil rapidly until reduced.
9. Place the roast duck on a plate.
10. Pour over the orange sauce and serve with vegetables of own choice.
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