
Breakfast Burritos [Low Carb]

Gluten Free Breakfast Burritos

4 free range eggs
1 large jalapeño with seeds
2 c. collards
1/2 c. chunky salsa of your choice
4 corn tortillas
sea salt and pepper
2 T. organic virgin coconut oil
optional: 2 slices gluten free natural nitrate free turkey bacon (we use Applegate Farms brand from Whole Foods)

crushed red pepper
fresh cilantro, chopped
fresh basil, chopped

Dairy Options:
1/4 c. shredded organic Australian white cheddar cheese
2 T. plain unsweetened yogurt (instead of sour cream)

First, place the corn tortillas on a microwave safe plate and cover with a moist paper towel to "steam." If you do not warm the tortillas, they break and do not taste very good. I microwaved my tortillas for about 30 seconds on high right at the end, after the eggs were almost cooked so that the tortillas were warm and soft.

Scramble the eggs with a whisk and ~T of water until they are fluffy (about 1 minute). Coat your large frying pan with nonstick spray and add the 2 T. organic virgin coconut oil for frying. Turn the pan to medium heat.

Chop the collards and slice the jalapeño and set aside. If you are cooking the turkey bacon, then add it to the frying pan and grind over pepper. Cook the bacon for about 3 minutes until bubbly and crispy and then flip with a fork. Cook the other side for 3-5 minutes as well. When the bacon is finished, gently lift it out of the pan and place it on a clean paper towel to drain. You may want to add more coconut oil now, but don't clean out the pan! I love to use the pepper-turkey flavor in my greens.

Add collards and jalapeño to the skillet at medium-low heat (about 3) and season with sea salt and pepper. Saute briefly until the greens are just limp, about 3-4 minutes. Set the greens aside and respray the pan or add more coconut oil for the eggs. Add the eggs to the pan and season. Scramble the eggs for about ~2 minutes. Do not cook the eggs in the pan until completely done since they continue to cook when you remove them from the pan and will become dry. Warm the tortillas in the microwave.

When the eggs are finished, spoon them over the warm tortillas. Top with crumbled bacon (if desired), a little bit of collards, and a healthy dose of salsa. Add the cilantro and serve hot. I used the extra collards as a yummy side since I'm a collard addict :) Hey, they're low carb, healthy, and cheap so who can complain?

* Turmeric is the yellow powder that often gives curry its color. It tastes great and is very distinctive- perfect for eggs, hummus, soups, stews, sandwiches, ummm anything :) Turmeric is an excellent antioxidant, is high in minerals, and is generally a great detox spice, so if you're feeling a bit under the weather, add a dash to your food. I'm sure it'll pep you up.

Healthy gluten free breakfast burritos
Cindalou's Kitchen Blues: Healthy Celiac / Coeliac Gluten and Dairy Free Recipes
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