
Grass Fed Beef Stew [Paleo]

I swear I made this a few nights ago in preparation for tonight's dinner since we're so busy with work and students now. Melissa at Gluten Free for Good also posted a grass fed beef stew a few days ago, so it must be the season! Great minds think alike, eh Melissa? :)

1.5 lbs grass fed stew beef (boneless)
5 stalks celery
1 organic carrot
1 c. radishes
1 15 oz. can organic diced tomatoes with juice
1/2 c. dry red wine (optional)
1 large fresh jalapeño with seeds
2 medium onions
5 cloves fresh garlic, minced
1/2" chunk fresh ginger, minced
2 T. San-J low sodium wheat free tamari or Bragg's liquid aminos
1 t. sea salt
2 T. flaked dried sea vegetables (optional; sea vegetables like seaweed are a great source of iodine and minerals which are excellent regulators of the thyroid)

Optional (omit for low carb or Paleo):
1 large sweet potato, cooked and cut into bite-sized cubes

1-2 t. cayenne pepper
1 t. crushed red pepper (to taste)

Coat the inside of your slow cooker with nonstick cooking spray. Roughly chop the onions and celery and place in the bottom of the Crockpot. If you are using sweet potato, cut a cooked potato into eighths or so and add to the bottom of the Crockpot also. Wash and dry the carrot and radishes; cut the radishes into thick slices being careful not to let them roll on you and leave you vulnerable to the blade. Slice the carrot and jalapeño and add both to the pot.

Add the stew beef to the top of the veggies. Spoon the garlic and ginger over the meat and pour in the red wine. Add the tamari (or Braggs) and seasonings, including the sea vegetables if you are using them. Lastly, pour over the tomatoes with liquid. Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours or high for 4-6 hours.

I served this over torn fresh kale leaves and chopped collards since I need the iron and nutrient boost of the greens as often as possible. You can also smother some cooked purple potatoes, some nice steamed organic whole grain (NOT quick cook or parboiled)* brown rice, or just load it up on top of sliced fresh carrots and purple cabbage. Stews are a great change to thrown in all sorts of veggies you may not normally eat since you don't have to really process them much besides some rough chopping (you can also buy bagged pre-washed and cooked fresh collards, turnip, and mustard greens at the grocery store). This is a great chance to introduce more vegetables into your family's diet where they might normally come up short.

The long cooking time seeps out some water soluble vitamins, especially in the carrots, so be sure to eat the broth too! You can add a little cornstarch or arrowroot powder to thicken the sauce for a gravy. Crockpot stews and roasts were always a treat at home when my mom made them- since they are so flexible, don't feel like you have to serve the stew or roast with the same old carbs like potatoes, rice, or pasta. I know these are favorites and staples, but the stew is delicious without them and you can always serve the starchy carbs separately for those carb-type metabolisms. According to many recent studies, a diet higher in non-starchy carbs found in vegetables and fruits rather than starchy carbs like corn, white potatoes, and rice is healthier for everyone. For reference, Laura at About.com has a good article on low carb substitutes for high carb foods.

*Try to avoid the quick cook or parboiled rice since they are significantly higher in glycemic index than traditional long-cooking rice.

Cindalou's Kitchen Blues: Healthy Celiac / Coeliac Gluten and Dairy Free Recipes
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