
Teenday (pumpkin/squash)


Posted by shshah:

(indian gourd/or
Baby pumpkin )
Onion -2
Tomatoes -2
Ginger 1tsp
Turmeric pdr ∏ tsp
Teenday 500g
Chilli pdr 1 tsp or to taste
Coriander pdr -1/2 tsp

You can find this vegetable(it,s between gourd and pumpkin) in southasian stores ,this dish originates from Punjab province of(India/Pakistan)also found a photo of raw tinda on internet as I remembered after cooking I didn,t have 1,some have very tender skin which does not need to be taken off just cut in slices other need skin removed

In 4-5tbsp of oil golden brown chopped onion,s add spices and cook for 30 sec add tomatoes and cook till tomatoes leave oil (3-4 min) add teenday and cook for 5-6 min cover and cook on low heat till tender(10 min) add garammasla and fresh corriander enjoy with fresh home made chappati,s - roti,s (same thing with different names
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