Grapefruit: Everyone knows the juiciest, largest and sweetest ruby red grapefruit comes from the Rio Grande Valley. And while there are many farms that ship, South Tex Organics has a leg up on the competition by being the only grower to not use pesticides. Prices start at $22.00. South Tex Organics

Pancakes: It’s an age-old question in Austin, who has the best pancakes—Kerbey Lane or Magnolia? It's a hard choice to make if you're in Austin, but if you live outside the city, that question has been answered: Kerbey Lane now sells pancake mixes in a variety of flavors, including gingerbread and whole wheat apple. Prices start at $5.75. Kerbey Lane
Sausage: You haven’t had sausage until you’ve sunk your teeth into a juicy, spicy Elgin hot gut. My favorite hot-gut producer, Southside Market, brings the taste of the Hill Country into your home as it ships its delectable sausages both fresh and smoked. Prices start at $27.99 for five pounds of fresh sausage, $30.99 for five pounds of smoked. Southside Market
Turkey: A few years ago, some New York City alumni of my college had a gathering. We were all well behaved until the hostess produced a Greenberg’s smoked turkey. Then we all pounced on the bird, eating like fools until there was only a pile of bones. Greenberg—based in Tyler, Texas—is an odd company. They don’t have a toll-free number and they don’t take credit cards. But they sure do know how to smoke a turkey. Turkeys are $3.60 a pound, ranging in size from six to 15 pounds. Greenberg Turkey
Corn tortillas: Finding decent corn tortillas outside of the Southwest can be a challenge, but when you have your own tortilla press and a bag of masa harina, whipping up a batch of tortillas is a snap. $17.99 for an iron tortilla press, $5.95 for a 4.4 pound bag of masa harina.
Cookbooks: No homesick Texan’s bookshelf is complete without Robb Walsh’s Texas trilogy—The Legends of Texas Barbecue Cookbook, The Tex-Mex Cookbook and The Texas Cowboy Cookbook. These excellent books are more than just a collection of recipes, they’re a beautiful history of both the state and the foods we love. Amazon

Is there something else that should be on this list? Give a holler in the comments!
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