if you havEn't visitEd bEn's blog yEt, plEase do and you will gEt rEal mExican dishEs and nicE and kind words always!!! Thanks so much amigo bEn!
spEcial drEEsing: quEEn (turn playEr on)
i think wE all dEsErvE this award, at lEast all foodiE bloggErs i'vE mEt up to day! wE all put so much Effort in our blogs' dEsign, dishEs, picturEs, posts, words, commEnts... i won't chEck this timE who has thE award and who hasn't, i'vE just sEEn somE of you who uploadEd it last wEEk, but i want to givE it to all of the following, no mattEr you havE it alrEady or not. this is my rEcognition to your ExcEllEnt blog :D
jEnn from lEftovErquEEn - shE obviously has the "E"
pEtEr from kalofagas - hE's got it too!!!
ivy from kopiastE, to grEEk hospitality - morE "Es" for hEr
lEy from cilantro and limE - also thE "E" shows
hEathEr from Gild the Voodoolily - shE's got it too!
lauriE from mEditErranEan cooking in alaska - frEEzing "Es"
bEllini valli from morE than a burnt toast - canadian swEEt "Es"
pEtEr from souvlaki for thE soul - gEt thE "E" upsidE down and thErE you havE it!
EmilinE from sugar plum - sEE thE swEEtEst "Es"
mallory EllisE from thE salty cod - with a frEnch touch
katiE from thymE for cooking - shE has a good bunch
amy from wE arE nEvEr full - lots of "Es" thErE!!!
bEn from what's cooking - back to you quErido!
pixiE from you say tomatoE i say tomatoE - thrEE in a row!!
bEE and Jai from jugalbandi - ExcEllEnt picturEs
mEEta from what's for lunch honEy - thE bEauty and no bEast ;-)
and a gEnEral E to all foodiEs for thE good work!!! kEEp it up :D
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