This time, Pixie from A Swee Tart has tagged me with another meme game. Today I'm not in a very good mood and maybe I shouldn't write the meme... or maybe I should and it would help me to see things brighter again.
You know, this month of February has 2 sides: the virtual one, that's where you take part, this couldn't be better! I'm having such a great time cooking and blogging, I'm having so much fun with your posts and comments... it's really becoming addictive... is it the same with you? First thing I do in the morning, after having my breakfast, is rush downstairs, turn my computer on and check the comments I have. Then I look for new posts or start a new one myself! It's amazing... I love it.
Also knowing about your life and your hidden little secrets and your recipes makes me feel so close to you... You are part of my life now!!! :D
And the other side is the real life one, this begining of the year has been the worst!!!
* My husband got really sick, now he has recovered.
* He got his money stolen, credit cards, house and car keys and a bunch of other things. The insurance company took care of that, but they didn't pay for all the headaches.
* My daughter has been sick for three times already. She is fine now (keep fingers crossed)
* Boleta, as you know, is under treatment, she seems to be ok for the moment.
* I got my coxis bone broken in my last horse ride's day I was learning how to gallop and obviously I didn't have the right position. Nothing to worry about, just do some rest and it will weld again.
* Today I had to go to the doctor because my face looks like Mars: all red and with a rash. Doctor said this looked like an allergy. I never had an allergy before!!!!! Well, it seems there's always a first time for everything ;-)
* The doctor made me feel as if I was 5, saying: open your mouth, say aaaaaaaaa, and drop down your trousers, lay down on that stretcher and relax.... RELAX! He injected me 2 antiallergic doses!!!!!!!!! Plus he gave me a topic cream... ok, done with that.
* Also this year, I've been breaking: 2 plates, 1 big bowl, 1 little glass plate, 1 cup, 3 glasses.... what's wrong with me?????? Am I a Sim and somebody outside my world is manipulating me?
Ok, that's it, I knew you would listen to me, as you always do, I'm through with my therapy session.... Thanks!!!
Meme Game. Here are the rules:
Select five people to tag. Send them an e-mail or let them know by commenting on their blog that they have been tagged. They are then encouraged to select 5 different bloggers and to tag them.
Time to play now:
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was a brand new mom. My baby took all my day and night energy... she was soooooo sweet and cute and... didn't have personal opinions yet ;-)
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Same things I do now except for the blogging and taking pictures at our meals. Maybe I did some more ironing that now... because I don't remember having such a big pile as I do now!!!
Five snacks you enjoy
Patatas fritas (potatoe chips)
Salty peanuts
Olives (all kind)
Tinned cockles
Iberian acorn ham (of course!!!)
5 Things you would do if you were a millionaire
*First I would buy my parents a house by the sea with a garden for my mom and a vegetable garden for my dad. The house would be near a Spa and they would get free treatment always. Plus a good bunch of money so they could buy what they wanted!!! I would give a succulent check to the rest of my family and some friends.
* I liked Ivy's idea, so I would also invite all my foodie bloggers friends for a trip to Spain (all included) one month stay, at the best hotels and restaurants. Snap your fingers and the waiter, the hostess, the somelier, the massage therapist... will be there! First class!!!
* I would design a house, with the help of the professionals, of course, for me and my family, also by the sea and near a forest, if that is still possible in Spain. It would be such a beautiful house!!!
* I would buy a boat for my husband, a small one, but big enough for the three of us. And I would buy a horse for my dauther.
* I would invest money in the people who really needs it, no ONGs, no goverments, just the real people. The older I get the more distrustful I become.
5 bad habbits
I don't like talking about these ones either, but, here they go:
* Sometimes I snore at night... this is what my husband says, but he has got no proves, I think he says that because once I recorded him at night while he was snoring ;-)
* I can't throw things away. I always think that some day may be helpful to have that particular thing. Thank god my garage is big and I have all kind of items there: all of my daughter's little clothes, all my school books (and I mean all), toys, clothes, shoes, old ironing machines, a big and old swewing machine, old furniture...
* I'm scared of flying, so I invented a stupid rule to relax myself: when I'm on a plane I have to follow the safetty instructions (look at the hostess and the paper in front of the seat) If I don't loose a word, the plane will be ok... ;-) It's demonstrated that works... he, he, he I'm still here!
* I love changing my dining room's furniture's place. When seasons are about to change... I get this strange desire for changing my sofa and table and other furnitures from one place to another. For me, this is not a bad habbit, but my husband can not stand it!!!! I always tell him that this is cheaper than buying new ones :D
* I don't wear an apron while I cook!!! This is a bomb here, I know! Don't ask me why, but I still haven't get used to that... and I get soooooooo angry with myself when the oil or whatever I'm cooking splashes on my clothes!
5 things you like doing
* I like cooking, he, he, he. Ok this one doesn't count :D I like signing, a lot.
* I like going on a horse ride in the fields, and if possible during springtime.
* I like reading a good book, with a good glass of wine and in good company.
* I like doing my dishes!!! Noooooooooo, just kidding! :D I like being inside my bed warm and feeling protected while outside is storming and raining cats and dogs.
* I like to walk through the forest always, but after a rainy day... that's heaven.
5 things I would never wear again
* A short skirt.
* High heels.
* Short hair
* My old fashined sunglasses. I got a brand new ones.
* The sweater it's been on my wardrobe for 10 years and haven't had it on for 10 years.
5 favourite toys
* My computer
* My camera
* The book I'm reading
* My drill
* My terrace plants
And now I've chosen you to continue with the meme... it's up to you to follow it or not!
♥ Ley from Cilantro and Lime (I know you like these ones)
♥ Heather from Gild the Voodoolily (I'm not that sure you will like this one????)
♥ Amy from We are never full (Hope you go on with the game, would love to know more about you)
♥ Laurie from Mediterranean cooking in Alaska (pleaseeeee say yes and tell us about your frozen little secrets, je, je)
♥ Bee and Jai from Jugalbandi (will you play along? would love to know more about you).
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