Early birds will notice that this post is up VERY early today. There is a reason for this that all basketball fans will already realize.
Today is the start of March Madness. Locally we have several teams in the hunt. My favorite has both men & women's teams in and both are high-seeded and we're looking for big runs.
So I got up early to get your new recipe and cookbook to you because after 12 noon you ain't gotta see me. Unless you stop by. Then we can both watch B-ball!
Here are a couple of good Party recipes for you to take to any March Madness party you may be attending on this opening weekend.
Chi Chi's Chili Con Queso
1 pound Velveeta
1 pint Half and Half
1 4 ounce can of Chilis
1 4 ounce can of Pinientos
1. Melt Velveeta until it becomes stirable. Use a microwave for this.
2. Combine an equal amount of half and half and mix thoroughly.
3. Add chilis and an equal amount of pimientos.
4. Microwave again until the mixture is hot.
5. For a little more spice, add a dash or three of Tabasco at this point.
6. Pour into small bowls and cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator overnite. Don't leave this step out.
7. Take the bowl out and place into microwave, heat and stir.
Hooter's Buffalo Chicken Wings
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup Crystal Louisiana Hot Sauce
dash ground pepper
dash garlic powder
1/2 cup all−purpose flour
1/4 teas. paprika
1/4 teas. cayenne pepper
1/4 teas. salt
10 chicken wing pieces
vegetable oil for frying
1. Heat oil in a deep fryer to 375. You want just enough oil to cover the wings entirely; an inch or so deep at least.
2. Combine the butter, hot sauce, ground pepper, and garlic powder in a small saucepan over low heat. Heat until the butter is melted and the ingredients are well−blended.
3. Combine the flour, paprika, cayenne powder, and salt in a small bowl.
4. If the wings are frozen, be sure to defrost and dry them. Put the wings in a large bowl and sprinkle the flour mixture over them, coating each wing evenly. Put the wings in the refrigerator 60−90 minutes. This will help the breading to stick to the wings when fried.
5. Put all the wings in the hot oil and fry 10 to 15 minutes or until some parts of the wings begin to turn dark brown.
6. Remove from the oil to a paper towel to drain. Don't let them sit too long, because you want to serve them hot.
7. Quickly put the wings in a large bowl. Add the hot sauce and stir, coating all of the wings evenly.
Serve with bleu cheese dressing and celery sticks on the side.
Today's Free recipe book is Salsa Recipes. Great for any party. Includes these favorites --
Tomato Mango Salsa
Tropical Fruit and Black Bean Salsa
Spicy Jalapeno Salsa
Roasted Chicken Legs with Plum Chili Salsa
Ultimate Nightmare Salsa
Southern Cactus Salad
... and many, many more.
There 170 pages in all. You'll never run out of something to take to any party.
If you have downloaded any of the previous Cookbooks and bookmarked the member's page, just go to that page and your cookbook is waiting for you.
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1. We know that you want to download something from us and someone is not spamming you.
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