
CrockPot Pound Cake Recipe

Day 96.

I lost a bit of weight when I was sick over spring break. That means that I am able to eat an entire pound cake all by myself, right?

I did share. Sort of.

okay, not really.

The Ingredients.
--2 cups of all-purpose flour (I used Pamela's Baking Mix)
--1/2 t cream of tartar (I totally wasted $4 on a new bottle before remembering I had a bunch of it in the garage from when we made playdough. Ooh. I should try to make playdough in the crockpot.)
--1/4 t salt
--1 cup butter
--1 cup sugar
--1 t ground nutmeg
--6 eggs. I know. it's a lot. but it tastes soooooooooo good!
--1 1/2 t vanilla

The Directions.

--melt butter in a mixing bowl
--add the rest of your ingredients. I have no idea in what order I added them, and I am of the school of thought that it doesn't really matter. I will probably never join the Daring Bakers...
--mix with a hand or stand mixer until ingredients are well incorporated
--grease the inside of your crockpot. I used my mini 1.5 qt crock for this recipe, because I was eager to see how it baked. It did a good job!--- if you don't have a mini crock, you can dump the batter directly into your big one or plop it in a loaf pan or similar heat-resistant dish inside of your crock stoneware. Don't add any water.

--prop the lid open with a chopstick or the end of a wooden spoon. I started with a chopstick, but needed to switch to a toothpick because the dough rose SO much that the chopstick started getting stuck in the dough. If you are using a large crockpot, that won't happen to you.

--cook on high until an inserted toothpick or knife comes out clean. This took about 4 hours in my mini crockpot. I probably checked it too often, but I was excited.

This smells so wonderful while it's cooking. I wasn't thinking clearly though, because I did this the same day I roasted garlic, so one side of the kitchen was bakery-like and the other was like The Stinking Rose.

oh well.

The Verdict.

I ate it all. Every last crumb. One of the edges was slightly burnt--I didn't care, but it is something to note. I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely it fell out of the greased stoneware.

I'm really enjoying baking without hovering.

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