
Pizza Dough

I found this great recipe of pizza dough in Best Cuisine . So I decided to share it here. Hope you will like it.


4 cup plane flour
2 tbspn butter
1 egg
1 tbspn yeast powder
1 tspn baking powder
1 tspn salt
1 tspn sugar
Milk as required (not so cold not so hot)


1. In half cup normal water (don’t use hot water) mix yeast and baking powder and leave for 15 minutes until bubbles appear on the top of mixture just like milk coffee.
2. In a bowl mix well flour, salt, sugar, butter and egg.
3. Add the yeast paste in the flour mixture.
4. Make dough of it using milk. Make sure the dough is soft.
5. Roll the dough using hands its very important to make soft pizza. The best way is to sprinkle flour on the board and using your palm press the dough and roll do it for 5-8 times
6. Put the dough in the deep bowl, cover and leave for 3 hours.
7. After 3 hours the dough will become double. This dough is for two pizzas.

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