These Bitter Gourd Baskets in White Thick gravy goes to creative pooja's Vegetable of the week(Bitter Gourd) http://creativepooja.blogspot.com/2008/02/vegetable-of-week-with-some-revised.html#rules

These Bitter guards Needed a gravy for a company. Thus I gave a Rich White Gravy to my BGB(Bitter Gourd Baskets).
Grated Coconut-5 spoons
Poppy seeds-1 spoon
Pattai/Cinnamon-1 small piece
Fennel-1/4 spoon
Green Chilli-1
Poppy seeds-1 spoon
Pattai/Cinnamon-1 small piece
Fennel-1/4 spoon
Green Chilli-1
Grind the above into a paste. Heat a spoon of oil in a kadai.when heated, add 1/4 spoon mustard..when it pops..add curry leaves and 2 vertically slitted green chillis. Now add a onion and fry them well.. after frying add the grinded paste and mix well. let it boil and add the Bitter Guard baskets. Serve it with Rice/Chapathi.
Note: Just Follow Your Kuruma Recipe here.
a small recap...
Note: Just Follow Your Kuruma Recipe here.
a small recap...
Bitter Gourds are cut into cubical shapes. they are de-seeded leaving the botton most seeds..so that it will be in basket form to hold the stuffing. Boiled Potatoes are mashed well. Green Chilli(finely chopped) and cumin powder can be added to the mashed potato. with a help of small spoon..the mashed potato is filled inside the basked. now they are fried in the oil. first the bottom part of the basket is fried, then on sides and on the top. Now these baskets can be put on the gravy on the whole or by cutting into slices.
How it Tasted: It tasted So Different and Nice. It was lightly bitter,where the potato came as a relief. and it was so heavy too..Normally we can't eat more than 3 baskets.
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