Sweetheart Ivy from Kopiaste has sent me this cute award!!!
I'm kind of childish and I Love its design but most of all Love its meaning♥!!! The award is self-explanatory and I want to: first say THANK YOU IVY!!! I love you this much t♥♥ and secondly I'm sending it to 5 more people whom probably have a bunch of them, because surely everybody loves them, but I don't care... I just want to send them my love and a big hug!!!
They are the following:
One of the best foodie decks you could have :D

Here you have some FLOWERS from my terrace for you all! I liked Heather's idea... she has a beautiful garden, go and check!!! Find some PEACE inspiration here :D

My favourite: Passiflora or Flor de la Pasion.

I don't remember the name for this one. It's a bulb one.
Enjoy life, enjoy cooking and enjoy blogging!!!
Happy weekend Everybody :D
P.S. Peteeeeeer, Susaaaaaan, Jeeeeeeenn... and all figs' lovers... I bought the first ones this season!!!!! Soon the most sinful recipes will be on your screens ;-)
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