
Citrics' Marinated Tuna

My old PC broke!!!! And I wanted to have a party in my blog on Friday... some of the things I need are in the PC and don't know if it will be fixed before Friday... Imagine snakes, skulls and pigs coming out of my mouth! I'll try to come up with a solution... I hope!
You all know by now that I'm getting kind of fried here! The weather is humit and hot and I just cannot find enough ways to avoid the heat. The kitchen is Red Inferno these days and I only feel comfortable when I open the fridge!

So, it feels great to "cook" something without using the stove and thanks to this months' Joust ingredients here you have a F.R.E.S.H. dish in capital letters!

Flavourful, Raw, Eadible any time, Simple and Healthy. Mr. Kalofagas has chosen the best ingredients for me this month! Thank you darling Peter :D. Eventhough, this is my first time with sesame and coriander there's been no problem at all in using them and I'm thinking of adding these two new condiments to my dishes :D.

This is one of the reasons why I Do Love the LeftoverQueen's Joust: I always learn something new and it's such a wonderful challenge! All entries are top level... Hey, I mean it! Please get over there and check! This month, I know that I have nothing to do there... just take a look at Eating Club's and More than a burn toast's recipes, to mention a couple of recipes that left my mouth open for more than 10 seconds ;-)

But I keep on trying every month and hoping that one day I will get that Joust's apron. If you like my dish, please get in the Forum and vote for me... I'll be forever grateful :D

Now, this dish might look a bit Asian, but I got inspired in a Spanish Cooking Magazine... well it must be globalization... anyway, it's so fresh and easy that you should all try it!

Ingredients for 4 servings: 600 grs of SuperFresh Tuna, 1 fresh lime, 1 fresh lemon, 1 fresh orange, some toasted sesame seeds, 4 extra virgin olive oil tablespoons, thick sea salt, 2 tablespoons of soya sauce, some fresh coriander springs, black ground pepper.

  • To avoid fresh fish parasits, first freeze the tuna!
  • Defroze inside the fridge.
  • Ask your fishmonger to clean and cut the tuna in dices and take away the fat and skin. When you get home, wash under tap water and place over kitchen paper to leave there all its blood.
  • Meanwhile, get the citrics juice. Strain and reserve.
  • Cut half the skin of the fruits in long strips and take away their white part because that could turn the dish bitter (the lime was really hard... I did what I could).
  • Place the tuna dices in a big bowl and pour the citrics juice on top. Take half of the citrics skin's strips and pour inside the bowl too.
  • Add some salt and pepper and reserve in the fridge for 20 minutes. After 10 minutes have passed turn the tuna so that it gets the citrics marination all over.
  • Wash and dry the coriander springs. Reserve.
  • Prepare a vinagrette with the olive oil and soya sauce, some coriander leaves, a bit of salt and pepper. Stir and add the other half of citric's skin. Let it cool down in the fridge.

And now there's two ways to eat this dish:

1st.- Strain the tuna dices and place in a long dish, sprinkle some sesame seeds on top and dress with the vinagrette sauce. Decorate with some citrics skin and coriander leaves.

2nd.- Strain the tuna dices and place in a new bowl. Mix half the citrics juice with the vinagrette, stir and pour on top of the tuna. Sprinkle with the sesame seeds and decorate with citrics skin and coriander leaves.

Have it cold with a fresh and young fruity wine... that would be my choice! Cheers :D
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