
What is the Meaning of Life?

Real Life that is.

Thank you to those of you who emailed me and left comments of concern. I appreciate it. But I was perhaps just a bit overly dramatic in my last post. By evil I meant having to actually work and make a living (EVIL) instead of being able to have fun on this site all day. Nothing really bad happened. Just evil. Thank you, though.

Before today's recipe I would like to tell you about one of the sites I have been working on.

That is our old friend The Weekend Grillers. During June and July, due to hosting issues too boring to go into here, I had to MOVE the ENTIRE site to a new location. I used the opportunity to upgrade several aspects of the site and it has many new Web 2.0 features now as well as a very modern look and feel. I am still sorting things out (and the front page looks way too cluttered) but check it out if you get a chance at The Weekend Grillers

I also took the opportunity to add THREE New Sections to the site that deal more with Barbeque parties (as opposed to just barbeque as a cooking technique.) These sections (with more to come) should interest anyone who enjoys Good Friends, Good Food and Good Times.

The first 3 new party sections are:

Weekend Party Drinks - This section is devoted to The Art of the Traditional Cocktail. The Best Ingredients make the Best Cocktails. The Best Ingredients are fresh and real. You won't find "Pucker" in any of our recipes. What you will find are all the classic "Night Club" cocktails such as The Martini, The Bourbon Manhattan and The Cosmopolitan and classic "Party Drinks" such as The Margarita, The Zombie and The Singapore Sling. You will also discover some of the very best "New Classics" such as The Madagascar Mood Shifter and the deadly Bite of the Iguana.

Party Dips & Salsas - Still adding to this one, but we already have the winning Creamy Salsa Dip, addicting Tequila Lime Salsa and The Best Honey Mustard You Have EVER Tasted. (It's True!) Oh -- and one you have to try. If you make nothing else I tell you about --- MAKE THIS! It's actually a sorta Copycat Recipe, so it fits in here -- Vidalia Onion Dip. It is absolutely heavenly!

Weekend Movies -- This one is a bit different and takes a bit of explaining. Have you ever hosted a movie night where you invited some friends over to watch a favorite or new flick? Most people have -- and it is a fun way to spend a winter's evening. This section makes it even more fun. Rather than try to explain it -- CLICK HERE and read the opening page. You'll see. This will eventually be the most popular section on The Weekend Grillers.

These are just the first 3 sections we have created. We have many more in the works such as Desserts, Appetizers and Party Games. Let us know what you think and what you would like to see.

Look to the left an you will notice I have included a couple of RSS Feeds from The Weekend Grillers as well those of Weekend Party Drinks and Dips and Salsa. Be sure to watch these as you visit this blog and click on the ones that interest you.


I have several other sites in the works including a very cool venture with Legendary Podcaster and Amazon Best-selling Author, Scott Sigler, but they are in the very early stages and I don't have a lot to show. I WILL keep you informed though.


We'll celebrate my getting The Weekend Grillers moved by enjoying a childhood favorite today -

Cracker Jacks

4 Quarts Popped popcorn
1 Cup Spanish peanuts
4 Tablespoons Butter
1 Cup Brown sugar
1/2 Cup light Corn syrup
2 Tablespoons Molasses
1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
2. Combine popcorn and peanuts in a metal bowl or on a cookie sheet and place in preheated oven.
3. Combine all remaining ingredients in a saucepan.
4. Stirring over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil.
5. Using a cooking thermometer, bring the mixture to the hard−ball stage (260−275 degrees). This will take about 20 to 25 minutes.
6. Remove the popcorn and peanuts from the oven and, working very quickly, pour the caramel mixture in a fine stream over them.
7. Then place them back in the oven for 15 minutes.
8. Mix well every five minutes, so that all of the popcorn is coated.

Cool and store in a covered container to preserve freshness.
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