Day 252.
We're nearing the end of summer, which makes me want to gobble up as much fruit as humanly possible. I have been reading in a lot of food blogs lately that a great way to use up fresh fruit is to stew or braise it with meat--you get both a sweet and savory flavor.
The peaches in the box weren't quite ripe--they were still hard to the touch and didn't have much flavor. I figured roasting them at a low temperature would release the sugar and they'd be perfect.
The Ingredients.
--4 skinless chicken breast halves
--1/4 tsp ginger
--1/4 tsp cloves
--1/4 tsp pepper
--1/2 cup brown sugar
--juice from one lemon
--1/2 cup water
--2 ripe peaches, cut in wedges
The Directions.
Put the chicken in the bottom of your crockpot (mine was frozen). I used a 6 quart crock, but a 4 or 5 quart would work just fine.
Top with the cut peaches. Toss the peaches with the dried spices the best you can. Add the brown sugar, lemon juice, and water.
Cover and cook on low for 5-7 hours, or on high for 4-6. I cooked our meat on low for almost 7 hours. The chicken was very tender, juicy, and fully cooked.
The Verdict.
This was weird. Everything worked well----the chicken cooked nicely, and the peaches tasted good on their own.
The kids ate the chicken and weren't interested in tasting the peaches.
Adam and I ate it and then later (out of earshot of the kids) decided it was just too weird to eat hot peaches with chicken. Hot peaches are to be eaten with ice cream.
We threw the kids in the car, got milkshakes from In n' Out and watched the sunset at the beach. It was a very enjoyable evening, but I don't think it had anything to do with my dinner.
I'm not going to make this again.
Kim, of Today's Creative Blog, is hosting a Silent Auction to benefit the Nielsen Family, who were badly injured in a small plane crash. Stephanie is an active blogger and crafter through her site, NieNie Dialogues.
Kim has many amazing things lined up for the auction---this is a great way to help and get started on your holiday shopping. Please help in any way possible.
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