
Red Mullet stuffed with Trumpets of Death and wraped in Ham... on a bed of Romesco and Potatoes.

Have you ever thought: After this experience, I'm ready to die! It has happened to me a few times in my life... : Fleetwood Mac on the car radio, my beloved driving through the bends of Costa Brava, the scent of the pines and the sea... Aaaahhh. The birth of my daughter and her warm first touch... fragility and humanity in one small tiny creature. Dolphins swimming and jumping by the boat that's taking me to the island and the sun rising...

Today one of these moments has enlightened my life :D. A palate sensorial experience!!!
Special dressing today: Fleetwood Mac and their beautiful song: Storms (turn player on)

See that drop falling from the Iberian Acorn Ham wrap? It's one of the esential LIFE's oils!!! I took this picture while stuffing the red mullets with the mushrooms and wrapping them with the Ham... the smell was already killing me!!!

I've been searching for red mullets for months now and finally I found some at my fishmonger. These were big ones (15 cms each aprox.). Their taste and flavour makes them really special.

I made a new romesco sauce, I had some Iberian Acorn Ham and since it's finally Autumn... I used some Trumpets of Death (a mushroom: Craterellus cornucopioides). Don't you worry at all if you cannot find these ingredients, the ham could be replaced for some bacon slices (although we all know it won't be the same ;D) and the trumpets for your seasonal mushrooms.

Click here to buy the best Iberian Acorn Ham online!

Here in Catalonia we love mushrooms-hunting! If the end of the summer and begining of Autumn is rainy, our forests become smurfs land ;D. There's lots of mushrooms to be hunted, and people loves to get up really early in the morning, take 1 or 2 basquets, jump inside their cars and drive off to the mountains. I used to do that with my parents when we were kids but as an adult, I rather go to La Boqueria :D

Now to the recipe!

Ingredients for 4 servings: 8 fresh red mullets, 5 to 6 medium potatoes, 100 grs of mushrooms, 100 grs of Iberian acorn ham, 1 garlic clove, some fresh parsley leaves, romesco sauce, olive oil and salt.

  • Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut in thin slices. Pour some olive oil in an oven tray, place the potatoes and sprinkle some salt and a bit more of oil over them. Heat the oven to 200 ÂșC and when hot, place the tray in the middle rack. They will be backed in 20 to 30 minutes aprox.
  • Meanwhile, have some olive oil in a sauce pan, cut the garlic in fine slices or dices and sautee, when fragant add the cleaned mushrooms. Stir for 1 or 2 minutes at medium heat and drop the minced parsley on top. Stir once or twice and reserve.
  • Clean the red mullets under tap water. If your fish monger has already cut them in two and taken the bone, head and guts away, better for you! Make sure there's no flakies left. Sprinkle some salt on them.
  • Take two fillets, place some of the sautee mushrooms over one (on the white side) and use the other to cover the mushrooms. Take one or two Ham slices and use them to wrap the fish.
  • When you have all ready, and the potatoes are backed, place the fish over the potates inside the oven for 8 minutes aprox.
  • Prepare the plate with some potatoes on the bottom, pour some romesco sauce over them and place the stuffed fish on top... As I said... a palate experience!!!

See how to prepare a good Romesco here. As you might know, this sauce is now world famous but it's original from down south Catalonia. Follow this recipe and enjoy the difference!!!!

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