
Taiwanese Meat Kueh



2 tsp minced garlic
50g dried mushrooms, soaked and shredded
200g yam bean (bangkuang), peeled and shredded
100g minced pork
50g carrots, peeled and shredded

Batter A:

40g sifted rice flour
140ml water

Batter B:

70g sifted rice flour
200g sifted sweet potato flour
20g sifted corn flour
280ml water


2 tsp light soy sauce
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp five-spice powder
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp oyster sauce



Heat 1 tablespoon oil in wok and stir-fry garlic till fragrant. Add dried mushrooms and light soy sauce and stir-fry till fragrant. Add the rest of filling ingredients and seasoning and stir-fry till all ingredients are cooked and tender. Dish out.


Boil another 280ml water. Stir in batter A ingredients and cook till mixture thickens. Remove from heat. Stir in Batter B ingredients and mix till smooth.

Fill greased cups half-full with batter, add some filling then fill to the brim with batter. Place cups in steamer and steam for 20 minutes. Remove.
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