Good Samaritans
At the clinic again tonight. I just had a call from a man who drove past a beautiful fluffy white cat who had been hit by a car and was on the side of the road. He was ringing to see what he should do, and he couldn't believe that someone had just left the cat there. His obvious emotion was touching. I guess I don't know the outcome of this case, he is on the other side of town and if the cat is alive, it needs to go somewhere closer to them than here if possible. But even if the cat had passed away, he was going to take it somewhere to get it scanned for a microchip. Just in case it had an owner somewhere fretting who could be contacted. I can only hope that kitty angels will watch over the situation.
Good Seitan
My plan for Mondays was to post a week in review of my dinners for the past week. Alas, I am at the clinic tonight as another vet is on holidays, and this computer will not upload from my camera to Flickr. So I will do it tomorrow! However, I of course have the handy Vault to dig into. I need to upgrade my Flickr account because I have only uploaded photos from three cookbooks and I've already almost exceeded the monthly limit! Hmph.
So, seitan... I love seitan! Yummy, scrummy, wheat gluten meat. My first experience with seitan was bought, which was fine but quite expensive. But now I make my own. My favourite recipe is from Vegan With A Vengeance, and this is the one I make the most often. Here are some photos of VWAV recipes I made with my very first batch of home-made seitan last year. There were some great dinners!

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