
A week of dinners.

I love dinner time. That zen time at the end of the day where I can unwind in the kitchen. It doesn't always have to be long or complicated, some days I get home with just not enough time for that! I don't get to cook everynight. Being on call at the clinic several nights a week means dipping into my handy freezer stack of leftovers, not to mention the times I sometimes actually manage to go out for dinner (like tonight - hello The Forest!). Still, I thought that at the beginning of each week, I might do a review of the dinners I have made from the previous week.

(FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS RIGHT LITTLE GIRL, DO NOT LET THE FREAKY CLOWN INTO YOUR HOUSE. OK, sorry about that. Supernatural outburst. It happens).


Hoisin Drenched Garlic Seitan with Bok Choy, from Vegan Planet. I made a batch of seitan that morning (thanks to my favourite VWAV recipe) to make this recipe. This is super easy and really delicious. It has also started my love of the zen like state of mincing garlic by hand. Served with jasmine rice.


Spaghetti with Cauliflower Romagna Style, from Vegan Cooking For One. This is very, very easy to make. I love the texture of wholemeal spaghetti. I have served it here with roasted green beans and a very liberal sprinkling of nooch.


Oops! Got my pictures mixed up, so let's skip straight to Sunday. Asparagus And Lemongrass Risotto, from Veganomicon. With beautiful asparagus straight from the Mt Gravatt farmer's market! This is amazing! It does take time and patience to make a risotto properly, but this makes it all worth it. Sprinkling fresh lime juice over the finished product just takes it to a whole new level! Served with sauteed broccolini.


Back to Saturday! Shredded Seitan With Green Beans And Shallots, from Vegan Planet. Using the second half of my tasty seitan. I doubled the sauce for this recipe to have enough. It is based on sherry, soy and Dijon. The taste is interesting, not bad, but not something I would hurry to make again. I was worried about putting the seitan through the grater on my food processor incase it smooshed it, so I had a lovely time slicing it up very small.

Also, tomorrow is the start of October, which means it is the beginning of The Post Punk Kitchen's VeganMoFo! Stay tuned for lots of vegan food blogging!

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