
Walnut Pie - My first Pie!!!

Would you call this a Pie? The catalan recipe said "Pa de pesic" which translated would be Bread of pinch. However, the ones I bought in the shop are spongy and more inflated than mine. The taste wasn't bad at all, but there's a lot to do with the texture, the recipe had 2 teaspoons of yeast... maybe I should add a 3rd one on my next pie :D.
Following the recipe has been the easiest! No complicated steps, handy ingredients, the best choice for my 1st pie!

Ingredients: 200 grs of butter, 200 grs of flour, 150 grs of sugar, 100 grs of peeled walnuts, 2 teaspoons of yeast, 4 eggs.
  • Smash the walnuts with the help of a food processor. Reserve.
  • When the butter is soft and tender, mix it with the sugar until you get an homogeneous paste.
  • Add the eggs, one by one, while whisking manually or with the food processor.
  • In a different bowl mix the flour with the yeast and the walnuts and add to the eggs/butter/sugar mixture. With a silicone spoon or spatula mix all ingredients until you get an homogeneous paste.
  • Preheat oven at 180ÂșC. (only with the lower heat).
  • I used a silicon mold and poured all paste inside. This molds are great because the stuff never gets adhered to its walls.
  • Bake during 30 minutes aprox. Depending on the oven and mold it could vary.

I'm sending this Pie to Ivy from Kopiaste to her Sweet Pies Event! Do you also have a pie you want to share? Or any birthday parties to attend and no recipe? Tired to bake the same pie always? Head over to Ivy's and find the best selection there :D
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