
Being more organised with Menu Planners!

Being more organized helps a lot. As I said in the beginning, when we are harried we resort to planning the menu for the week and mostly try to stick to it. Of course ,there are always a time when we might skip certain items because it was not available or something else came up! But most of the time, I plan to stick to my menu. It gives me a great relief to know that I have an idea what to cook.

Many of you have always asked me how I manage to do so many things with such short time. Though I cannot claim I am able to do all of them myself, as I rely so much on my family to help me manage the tasks. One of the important things that always helped me is, having a planned menu. We arrive at this by sitting together and discussing what we want to do for the week. This hardly takes more than 15 mins for all three of us.

Daddy always tells us to note down everybody's favorite or must-do-a-week dishes and pin them up in kitchen. He says that will help during those times when we don't' know what to cook. And when my hubby's sister family visits, we always plan the menu for the entire time they are visiting and pin it up! Infact we even ask them what they would want. They don't mostly make some of the dishes that I do, so we reserve them for the occasion. Menu planner is a great way to handle during guests visiting!

These days its even more helpful as I ask Konda what she wants for lunch. I have created a Sample Menu planner and also shared what I had planned for this week. I will be updating it with our weekly plan. This only has what I make for the adults. I am planning to update a list with the kiddos lunch in the Spice your Life blog!

The first in the series of Kid's Lunch Box, check out Tadka dal that I made for the twins lunch box.

You can click the Sample Menu Planner

View My Menu Planner

Do check it out and let me know your thoughts. And do try it and see the difference!

If any of you want this Menu planner, drop me a mail!
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