So, this is what I did, something sweet to keep the bitter taste away! There's a couple of Spanish expressions that say: ¡A las penas, puñaladas! or ¡Lo que no mata, engorda! The first means that if sadness comes you should be strong and beat it, fight against it (puñalada means a stab). And the second says... what won't kill you, will make you fat! He, he, love the second one :D

So, here you have a cake that won't kill you!

You can still send her your dishes before the 13th!
Ingredients for the cake: 3 eggs, 150 grs + a tea spoon of butter, 140 brown sugar, 3 table spoons of orange liquor, 190 grs of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 table spoon of cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon and some chocolate chips.
- Whisk during 1 minute the 150 grs of butter and the brown sugar in a big bowl. Make sure the butter is soft enough before putting it inside the bowl. Add the eggs one by one and keep on whisking. Add the flour little by little and the baking powder.
- Preheat oven at 200ºC.
- Separate the dough in two pieces and add to one of them the cocoa powder and the orange liquor. Mix well and reserve.
- Take the other part of the dough, add the cinnamon and mix. Pour in a baking recipient (previously rubbed with the butter we had left). Add the chocolate chips and pour the dough with the orange liquor on top.
- Bake in the oven for 50 to 60 minutes.

No leftovers here :D
Coming soon in this blog:

Tempura de Calçots and Romesco Sauce.

Potatoe and Canadian smoked Salmon Croquettes.

Pollo en Escabeche - Chicken in a Pickle (Salad version).
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