The other day my daughter got a hankering for a Boston Cream Pie, and she didn't have the ingredients for it. We had on hand a yellow
cake mix and a cheese cake mix, and chocolate frosting, and other ingredients. Well you guessed it. She put it all together. Here are the directions for how she did it.
Make and bake the yellow cake mix in an oblong cake pan according to box directions. Let it cool to just warm. Frost the cake. (my daughter nuked the canned cake frosting in the microwave for about 20 seconds to make it softer).
Next make the cheese cake mix according to the directions, but hold the graham cracker crumbs for later. When the cheese cake mixture is whipped up, add a half-cup of Cool Whip to it and then pour it over the cake.
Next add a can of cherry pie filling on top of the cheese cake mixture, and add the graham cracker crumbs on top. Serve with cool whip on top if desired.
This is so yummy!
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