
BlOg yOur Omelet! Announcing my new Contest with a Giveaway♥

Eggs are such an important ingredient in all kitchens and diets! We use eggs for such different purposes: cakes, omelets, quiches, muffins, coatings...

So far, I have participated in sooooo many events that I thought it was high time to get my own contest going! I have thought about eggs because I bet you all have your own traditional omelet recipe, or your favourite's picnic omelet, or maybe your grandmother's recipe for fritata... if you do and want to share and participate; find hereunder easy instructions:

* Post a new recipe in your blog with your omelet or fritata. Tell us the story of that recipe if you want, if there's no story behind, no problem.
* Please take some pictures and include them in the post. Mention the event: BlOg yOur Omelet and include a link to this post. You can also show the logo of the event if you wish (optional).
* Send me an email to: nuriafarregut@gmail.com with: Your post URL, Your blog tittle, your name and a picture of the omelet attached. The subject of the email should be BlOg yOur Omelet. Please send it before the 15th of May.
* The round up will be published the 18th of May.

There will be a Giveaway for the winner!!!! I'm sending over 150 grams of Iberian Acorn Ham. One of the most delicious and best Spanish treats!!! If the fortunate winner thinks she/he might dislike it, then I can send some Spanish Chorizo or Longaniza (we can talk about it :D).

So, don't be shy and participate in the Contest! It will be fun :D... and we all can learn lots of new recipes from the Round-up.

Here is my Omelet to start with the Contest: Codfish Omelet.

Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 grs of desalted Cod fish, 6 big eggs or 8 medium, 4 big onions, 1 red small hot pepper, 4 fresh parsley branches, olive oil, salt and a can of roasted piquillo peppers.
  • Wash and dry the parsley leaves and when completely dry chop in small pieces. Reserve.
  • Peel the onions and chop finely in small dices too. Reserve.
  • Pour 2-3 table spoons of olive oil in a non sticky fry/sauce pan and start cooking the onion at medium/low heat together with the hot pepper and a bit of salt. Stir and cook for aprox. 20 minutes. Once the onion is transparent take the pepper away and reserve.
  • Beat the eggs in a deep bowl and reserve.
  • Take the desalted, shredded and dried cod and place in a non sticky pan together with the onion and a bit of olive oil and stir for 2 minutes at medium/low heat. Add the parsley, stir well and add the mixture to the eggs' bowl.
  • Mix well all ingredients, taste and add salt if necessary. Be careful, cod fish could be a bit salty.
  • Clean the non sticky pan and pour some drops of olive oil, when it's a bit hot, add the omelet ingredients and let them rennet for some minutes. Turn the omelet upside down with the help of a Tortilla flipper or a big plate and cook the other side until brown.
  • Insert a tooth pick to see if it's done inside, if it comes out clean, your omelet is finished!
  • Serve it with some piquillo Peppers... the combo is delicious!

Once the omelet is cold you can have it like this: in pinchos, or as a tapa with a good glass of beer! Enjoy this one and share your omelets too!

Obviously, I'm not participating for the prize ;D. I will take all your entries and make a little lottery game to get the winner's name. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

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