Handy, healthy and cheap ingredients!
It serves 4: 3 avocados, 4 natural non sugar yogurts (125 grs each), 1/2 a cucumber, 1/2 a green pepper, 1 tomatoe for a salad, 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, 2 table spoons of white vinegar, 1/2 a garlic clove, salt and black ground pepper.
- Take the avocado pulp and discard the skin and seed. Place the pulp in a bowl, add a teaspoon of salt, the yogurts, the garlic, the oil and the vinegar. Blend until you get an homogeneous texture. Place in the fridge to cool down.
- Wash the cucumber under tap water. Dry and cut 4 thin slices. Cut the rest in small dices leaving the seeds away and reserve.
- Wash the tomatoe under tap water, cut in half and discard the heart and seeds. Cut the rest in small dices and reserve.
- Wash the green pepper under tap water, cut and discard the seeds and whites. Cut the rest in dices and reserve.
- Place all veggies in a bowl and sprinkle some salt and black ground pepper.
- When the Avocado gazpacho is cold, pour in 4 glasses, decorate with the slice and dices and enjoy it!
- Maybe you can add a bit more of extra virgin olive oil or a bit of water to get a finer texture and not so creamy... but we loved it this way :D.
- Don't let the gazpacho stay in the fridge for more than 3 hours, it could turn brown (avocado oxidizes).
Since I used Danone yogurts for the recipe, I thought you might be interested in this: Danone opens the first Shop and Restaurant in Barcelona City with Yogurt as main Star!
From now on you can enjoy a healthy breakfast, snack or meal from a menu of 26 dishes. The space, named Barcelona Danone, is a multi-shop and restaurant of 300 square meters which is the largest showcase in the Catalan capital. A pioneer space that offers consumers the chance to taste yogurt in so many different formats, also shows the latest news from the brand and the menus are based on a healthy Mediterranean diet. A fantastic experience!
If you want to know more about it, please follow this link to La Vanguardia. Or if you want to see the promotional video, just click here.

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