
Those Fancy Resort Omelets

I went to Florida for a family reunion a few years back and we ate at this cute lil Polynesian restaurant at our resort. For breakfast they served up these adorable little pinwheel omelets that were delish! Now normally I would shy away from making omelets because they always seemed to stick to the pan or come out dry & rubbery, but not anymore!! A friend of mine sent me this wonderful omelet recipe with a special tip that guarantees a moist, fluffy, light, delicious omelet every time. JUST BAKE THEM! duh!!! I shall forever be in her debt for teaching me how to make such a snazzy loooking omelet.

Basic Pinwheel Omelets

  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 c. milk
  • 1/4 c. sifted flour
  • 1/2 t. salt
  • 1/4 t. pepper
  • 1 cup of cheddar cheese
  • 4-5 slices of lunch meat

    Step 1: First things first, preheat that oven to 450. Crack 4 eggs into a bowl

Step 2: Add 1/2 c. milk and mix until fluffy. (I know, I didn't mix in this picture but I should have)

Step 3: Add 1/4 c. sifted flour (make sure the flour is sifted or that it at least has no lumps, because it is hell trying to get that flour to dissolve when it's lumpy)

Step 4: Add 1/2 t. salt and about 5-6 shakes of black pepper

Step 5: Whisk it real good until combined. Go ahead and do a lil booty dance with it, burn a few calories. Oh you see how mine has those lil flour lumps in it, that's because I didn't sift my flour before putting it in. Bad bad diva!! Sorry I was too hungry to sift, but you must sift!! Promise me you will SIFT!!
For SUPER FLUFFY omelets use a MIXER instead of a whisk. I normally use a mixer.

Step 6: Grease a 9 x 13 pan generously with cooking spray, butter, or Crisco

Step 7: Pour the mixture into the pan and pop it into the oven and bake for about 5-10 minutes or until eggs are set. (some ovens set eggs quicker or slower so keep an eye on it) You want it to be nice and firm in the middle, not wet or you'll have a soggy omelet.

Step 8: Remove from oven when set and lay on the lunch meat, a few slices will do just fine. Sprinkle on some cheese. Yummy!

Step 9: Put back into the oven and bake for 1-2 minutes. Remove from oven when cheese is melted.

Step 10: Use a spatula and starting from the short end, begin to roll your omelet up to form a log. Be careful, it's hot!

Step 11: Slice and serve!!

Tip* Don't be scared to get fancy and try different things here. I like to add green bell pepper, onions, & chopped sausage with some smoked Gouda cheese. Top with a dollop of salsa and sour cream and I'm in heaven!!

Make it your own! That's what cooking is all about!

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