

Have you heard about Bullying?

No, bullying is not a spice... if it were, it would be a poisonous one. Dressing your dishes with it, would take your guests down; they could even think about committing suicide.

No, bullying is not a culinary technique... if it were, it would corrupt and infect all ingredients participating in the recipe.

No, bullying is not a fish dish... if it were, the fish would be rotten and stinky before you could place it over the table.

No, bullying is not a meat dish... if it were, no matter how many potatoe chips you placed over the steak, the meat would become putrid instantly.

No, bullying is not something that you can find in my kitchen. It shouldn't be in my family life menu either... but...

Thank you all for your kind words and support :D. Comments, suggestions, ideas, experiences are so welcome here!

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