The day before the wedding involved massages, spas, saunas, nails being done, eating, girly movie watching and dancing around to hilarious songs! And then the day of days dawned, and it came time to see what this hungry little vegan could expect from the venue.

The morning of the wedding, Jen's brother Brendan cooked us up a BBQ breakfast, including making me tomatoes and mushrooms far from any part touched by ookey meat and eggs. Here they are along with a muffin with red miso and avocado (best toast combo ever!).

We toasted with classy purple plastic tumblers. They with champers, and the non-drinking vegan with soy milk!
No photo of lunch, because it was a rather hurried affair after hair and makeup were done and we were trying to get off on time. But it was bagels with vegemite and avocado and muffins with peanut butter and jam. Yum!
I did have to have a quick snack bar during the photos being taken after the wedding and before the reception.
So, the venue for the reception was at Diana Plaza. I had spoken to the events manager Kylie about my veganism, and she was super helpful and very eager to please. I did mention I was a hungry vegan. ;) The reception was a lot of fun. They had a magician at the beginning who did some funny tricks. And then there was dancing to our awesome crafted playlist. There were two dancing highlights. The first ( a prelude to the main event) was LJ and I dancing our world famous Tango With Butter Knife, first seen one drunken night a very many moons ago. The main event, however, was Jen and Jen and I (along with junior bridesmaid and LJ's neice Drew) doing our very own choreographed dance to Five's song Let's Dance. Which was originally conceived on another drunker night slightly less moons ago, and perfected the night prior to the wedding. Hee!

The entree came out with not a salad in sight! Off to a great start. It was a tomato stuffed with white beans and bulgur, with a tomato and balsamic sauce. Extremely nom.

The main was a vegetable stack, but at least it had a bit of a twist. The sauce was delicious and curry, and the eggplant slices were breaded and crispy perfection. The only downside was that two eggplant slices and a few bits of carrots, potato and cauliflower do not a filling meal make. Plus I had no spoon, so all that tasty sauce was wasted! Woe! Ideally I would have liked a big scoop of rice to soak it all in and carb me up.
Notice to all venues catering for vegans: We cannot live on fruit and vegetables along. Carbs and protein make for a happy belly!
But all in all, a good and tasty effort. I am impressed that there was no salad! Though it seems no one can go past a vegetable stack. ;)

Here is my dessert. Everyone else had wedding cake, so I brought along a cupcake I had purchased from My Heart Garden the previous day. Unfortunately all the icing melted on the way home, so I had to do a restoration job on it. I smeared the icing back on, topped if with buttercream balls and a ganache disc and sprinkled with chocolate sprinkles. If I may say so myself, I think it looks quite cute for a three minute emergency repair job. I then packed it lovingly to preserve it all the way to the reception. I enjoyed it with some soy icecream that the bride and groom had so thoughtfully provided for me. *hugs them*
But really, at the end of the day who gives a toss about the food? For once, not me. Because this was about Jen and her Freddy, and their amazing and perfect day together. And it was a sensational day! Here are just a couple of quick photos to share with you all.

This is our most beautiful bride. It was taken at the gardens where we went to get the girl photos taken before the wedding. She is wearing her Bride to Be sash from the hens night, for a couple of silly photos before the photographer got there. How gorgeous is she? I am not tearing up looking at it, no I am not.... *sniffles*

Jen and Freddy having their first dance together as husband and wife. *hic*

A couple of super sexy bridesmaids. Oh wait, that is Jen and I! The other Jen, that is. Excuse my crazy squinty eyes, they are very sensitive to light and the flash is their natural enemy.

Jen passes the Bride To Be sash on to Jen, who will be getting married to her Ryan next year!
I need to do a gathering up of all the photos on different cameras, because there were a lot of photos I didn't get!
Jen and Freddy have taken off on their honeymoon to Peru as of yesterday, to be away for a month. What shall other Jen and I do without our third? Anyway, this post is deicated to Jen and Freddy. Or Freddifer, as Jen and I call them because they are one of those ridiculously perfectly adorable couples. I hope they have every happiness in the world, have an amazing honeymoon and bring Jen and I back awesome presents. ;) To Freddifer!
*sniffles some more*
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