
Eggless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

After getting my muffin tray's, can anything stop me from trying muffins in the new tray? Iam glad that i tried Pumpkin muffins, as i easily prepared it by combining the wet and dry mix. The end result's were much appreciable. I did not feel, that i missed egg as it was fluffy or i could not spot the Pumpkin flavour in spite of using fresh home-made Pumpkin Puree. The spice i prepared for this was extra-ordinary. it filled my home with flavours of cardamon and Nutmeg.

Eggless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

First I Prepared the Pumpkin Puree and left it in fridge overnight. Remove the Puree from fridge, just before 15 minutes for preparing muffin mix.

The Spice Mix I prepared had

1. Dry Ginger - 3'inch size (I know its more, but its good)

2. Black Cardamon - 1

3. Green Cardamon - 2

4. Cinnamon - 2'inch round stick

5. Nutmeg - 1/4 (of small nutmeg)

6. Cloves - 3

Grinded the above into a powder and sieved to separate the Ginger's nerves.

* Do not add more Nutmeg, even while preparing in more quantity.

i decided to bake the muffins without egg and butter. am sure, not due to calorie conscious, bcoz i did not have egg's and i wanted to use olive oil substituting butter, to find what difference it makes in taste. I added 2 tbsp's of yogurt at last to get the pouring consistency.

Wet Ingredients:

Pumpkin Puree - 100ml

Olive Oil - 50 ml

Yogurt - 2tbsp's

Dry Ingredients:

All Purpose Flour / Maida - 175gms

Powdered Sugar - 1/4 cup

Baking Powder - 1/2 tsp

Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp

Salt - a pinch

Spice Mix - 2 tbsp's

Chocolate Chips - 5 tbsp's


Mix the Pumpkin Puree well with Olive oil. keep aside.

Sift the flour with salt, baking powder and baking soda. sift at least twice.

Mix Powdered sugar and spice mix and chocolate chips with the flour.

Add the Wet Ingredients (Pumpkin Puree + Oil) to the flour and mix it wooden spoon.

Add Yogurt to get the spooning consistency of batter to muffin cup's.

Grease the muffin cup with oil and spoon in the batter.

I topped it with some chocolate chips and nuts and some museli.

Pre-Heat the oven at 180C. for about 10 mins.

Bake at 170C for about 35 mins. check whether muffins are cooked and bake it furthur if not cooked.

Cool them and serve with cream on top.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffin

People at home enjoyed Pumpkin Muffin's and they liked it more than my Pumpkin Pie.
I tried Banana Muffins the same way, but it did'nt turn out well as it was sticky and not fluffy as Pumpkin Muffins. somehow Pumpkin did a magic to these muffin's.
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