
Best Homemade Pie Crust Recipe

Best Homemade, From Scratch Pie Crust 

If you are looking for a from scratch pie crust recipe that is easy, foolproof and downright melt-in-your mouth then here ya go!!

Pie are ALWAYS in season...apple pie, pecan pie, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, chocolate pie. (OMG I can so relate to Forrest Gump's friend, Bubba right now)  So many pie possibilities I'm smiling just thinking about it. (I really am smiling right now by the way)

A good pie must first start with a good pie crust! Most homemade, from scratch pie crust recipes I've tried are pretty bland, which probably isn't the recipes fault. Pie crusts are usually boring in order not to compete with the pie itself. Understable. Not agreeing but understandable.

However, I'm a sucker for a scratch- made pie crust that is buttery tasting (yes pie crust should always be made with REAL butter in my book!), tender and just makes you wanna keep pinching lil pieces of crust off the edge to eat. You know what I'm talking about? Oh Oh Oh and it also has to be EASY and fool proof because it is no secret that I suck am still learning how to make breads and thangs from scratch.

I honestly can't tell you when was the last time I've purchased a store-bought pie crust.  Now that I know how to make an incredible homemade pie crust I've actually gotten a little uppity when it comes to store-bought crust. I don't like there odd color or the smell of it's fake, processed ingredients. Butter, sugar, flour and salt. Yes that's what makes a REAL pie crust. Oh wait...this recipe has butter Crisco in it...um.... Ok so ONE questionable ingredient doesn't count! (p.s I will still nail a store bought pie crust because I'm greedy, but that doesn't mean I would buy it myself!)

I call this recipe The Best Homemade Pie Crust  because well... I have yet to taste a homemade crust with this much flavor yet still remains subtle. Yes, it knows it's place. It compliments any pie beautifully and that makes it perfect!

One of my readers told me that if you substitute the cold water for cold half n half it takes the curst to whole different level of yumminess! Well she didn't use those words but I'm soooooo ready to try it out and see!! Thanks so much to whoever sent me that tip! I'll update this post once I try the halfnhalf method

Watch me make this homemade pie crust recipe from start to finish


2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 stick of cold butter, chopped in pieces
1/2 cup cold butter-flavored shortening
1/2 cup ice cold water (add more by the tablespoon if the dough is too dry)
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