
Freezer Sandwich Delights

As the Easter Holidays are here and in full flow, it can be a very expensive (nearly 3 weeks) before the children go back to school.

Lots of activities are planned, days out, last minute trips, friends coming over, going over to friends, and having little mouths to feed can work out quite expensive with the cost of a children's sandwich and drink being around £3.00.

Not fun when I have two children who are always hungry and I think I have bred two mini foodies as deli's, farmers markets & the supermarket get them positively drooling, but being out and about can be more noticed on the pocket in these school free holiday periods.

I have decided that we are going to have a frugal couple of weeks over Easter and that any unnecessary spending is going to be kept to a minimum, we will of course be going out and doing lots of exciting stuff, but the food side when we are out is going to be cut back.

Of course, our planned trips to the seaside next week will of course involve fish and chips on the pier - I am a traditionalist after all, but it got me thinking about how much money I would be able to save by making lunches ahead of time, popping sandwiches in the freezer - ready made just to grab one out as needed, knowing that it will be defrosted in an hour and will bypass the need for stopping for food when busy having fun. Paired with something from the constant heaving fruit bowl & the 12 pack of mini water bottles in the boot of the car we will be ready for anything.

My children love Ham & cheese sandwiches, although chicken, turkey, pork & beef are good alternatives if you have left overs from a roast dinner too!

I started this morning with the following

20 slices of 50/50 bread (ready sliced)
Spreadable butter
20 slices of cheese (although you could slice it yourself but this was in the fridge)
20 slices of ham (check it can be frozen on the pack though!)
20 freezer bags

Butter the bread on one side

Lay a slice of ham & slice of cheese on the buttered bread

Top with another buttered slice of bread

Cut in half

Pop in a freezer bag (taking out as much air as possible)

Stack flat in the freezer & take out as necessary

Mine never see more than a week without being eaten, (also I only have the space for 10 packs at a time) but they are easy to make and take only a few minutes to assemble) they also make for a fantasitc toasted sandwich for hubbys lunch either in a sandwich toaster or in a Toastabag when he is at work!

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