
My Cookbook additction

I have to admit, I have quite a 'thing' for cookbooks. Every time we are in a bookstore I find myself drawn to the cooking section leafing through the recipes with 'ohh', 'ahh' 'yum' noises and coming quite close to drooling at some of the pictures.

As a result of this addiction of mine it has enabled me to create some amazing dishes over the years, try foods that I may never have done and to start putting together my own cookbook. For a girl who love writing and cooking, nothing for me could be more of a perfect match!

The small fact that I now have over 230 cookbooks spanning one huge bookcase and piles and piles of them (I do try and keep them in the correct order for ease of finding the recipes that I need). Luckily for me I have a family that are more than happy to sample, taste, review and simply enjoy all the offerings that I keep giving them, normally & however quite ofter 11 of us are eating meals that I made & leftovers are greedily pounced upon in foil trays to reheat for another meal.

I am used to my family sniffing around the kitchen, or just popping over on the off chance that something is emerging from the oven, even telephone orders of "Ooh have you got any of those ...... made" an hour before arriving. Not that I mind at all, I love making food and quite happily could spend all day in the kitchen & all night writing about it.

Once my youngest son starts school in September I shall be returning to work in the kitchen, more about that soon but I thought I would share with you just some of my cookbooks, although I have a few that have not been opened in a long time, I have 70 at least that would cause a small period of mourning should I lose them or misplace one. Covered in notes, post its, sellotape holding the favorite pages in place, I truly do love my cookbooks. See if there are any favorites amongst us, the cookbook that you cant live without or the ones that have turned more into a decoration than a useful reference of yumminess!

I look forward to your thoughts
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