
As the garden grows.....

I finally got everything planted in my garden and it's coming along nicely.  I am tickled pink that I now have produce growing, the local farmer's market is hopping, my neighbor is a new grassfed beef supplier and local, farm fresh eggs are being delivered right to my door.   My eco-friendly life is good :) 
I love to soak in this time of year.  The weather is warm, soon my kids will be home all day and my mornings will be spent tending to my garden.  I am anxious for ripe tomatoes for homemade tomato sandwiches.  I am a healthy eating girl, but I will not...I repeat, will not...give up my white bread topped, duke's mayonnaise dressed, heirloom tomato sandwich with salt and pepper.  Life's just too short to sacrifice the finer things.  I can just taste that warm, juicy tomato now.  I really should never blog hungry. 
If you are thinking of starting a garden of your own, there are so many wonderful resources online.  I love Gardeners online.  They have some handy tools to plan the layout of your garden.  They help make the process easy.  The biggest challenge for me, since I garden organically, is pest control.  I had to learn by trial and error last year and still have so much to learn.  I enjoy the process, so it's a great experience.  To combine my love of food with the enjoyment of nature, is a beautiful thing.

My herbs are thriving.

Fresh mint

Italian parsley

Gourmet salad blend


What I planted this year: cucumbers, 6 varieties of tomatoes, cantalope, squash, lettuce, herbs and okra.

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