

I've  started this blog  to share the  good things people  create in  arts, science, leisure, ideas, no matter where or when.
A dash of humor, a drop of beauty and lots of  creativity.
Dignity is a word that follows me  not only at the blog but my life.
Thank you for the visit
Have a great weekend!

Ana Luiza  
Ana Luiza
Hella Heaven


I can't believe I'm sharing a recipe! I don't know how to cook and what I do is improvising so the kitchen for me is a kind of lab whose experiments can result in something eatable, but delicious and yummy! are words seldom heard.

If I try something new, I gave up, but occasionally I try, chances are that the thing comes up very strange as the day I tried to cook fried cauliflower according to a recipe that had flour as ingredient.

When I did put the prepared florets to fry to my surprised it started swelling and swelling and it took some time for it to stop when I heard from the living-room:

"Do you need any help?" "No! Just relax and wait." I got nervous and kept frying all the florets, garnished a plate with vegetables of different colors and arranged the thing I had just cooked.

Some food were already at the table and I entered the living room triumphantly holding the plate with the... "I hope you like it. It is a variation of fried breaded cauliflower."
When I asked another friend what went wrong she told me that I shouldn't have put flour and eggs were enough.

I did a search and found some recipes tho I don't cook with recipes because when I look at the list of ingredients I paralyze: "6 eggs? O My! This is too much!" and so on.

I love pumpkin in all different ways it is prepared but Quibebe reminds me of my grandmother who used to do it in a way I'll never have it.

Quibebe is a word that comes from Africa and means mash and puree. I found a recipe (there is a Brazilian at this blog) that is more similar to the way I do:
Quibebe clássico or Savory winter squash with garlic and olive oil


olive oil
1 medium size pumpkin/winter squash, peeled,
seeds removed, cut into even size squares
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp sugar
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Approx ¾ cup of water
Fresh cilantro to garnish

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a deep pan. Add garlic and sauté for about 1 minute or so. Add squash cubes, salt, pepper and sugar. Give it a good stir. Add ½ cup water then cover pan.

Cook squash on high temperature for about 10-12 minutes or until squash is soft and partially collapsed. Adjust seasoning. Remove from heat. Let cool approx. 5-10 minutes. Drizzle with remaining olive oil. Transfer to a serving platter and decorate with a couple of sprigs of cilantro.
Quibebe pumpkin: for  those who dont know how to cook

Usually, the version that puree the pumpkin in a food processor, is the most used, but you can choose each according to what you're going to serve at the meal.

You can do it my way: buy pumpkin that is already cut in squares, put  the squares to cook in water

-at a pan- fry garlic, onion or both if you like; mash the pumpkins with a fork and put it at the pan and add some spices like ginger; pepper; basil; curry... your favorite spice.

It is quick and simple.  Bon appetit.

Ana Luiza                      Hella Heaven

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Ana Luiza  
google search under the following
Quibebe winter squash recipe- -Out of 741 results Page 1 # 7 and Page 6 #2
Quibebe squash recipe --out of 329 results Page 1 # 6 and Page 4 # 3
Quibebe Classico recipe-- Search Results about 57 result page 1 #1 and Page 1 # 2
Quibebe-- out of 1630 search Page 1 # 9 and page 2 # 3 (under hellaheaven)
Quibebe puree- out of 1120 results-page 1 # 7

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