
Tempe Goreng Tepung Recipe, easiest way how to cook tempe

The easiest way to make food made ​​from tempeh is to fry, tempeh cut to the size of  2cm x  4cm or to taste, then input tempeh, into a spice blend that had been prepared beforehand
Spices are : 2 garlic, 1 tablespoon coriander,  ½ teaspoon salt
All the ingredients blended and then given sufficient water, soak for 2-3 minutes tempeh pieces into the concoction of spices, then fry it ,now, you done

and now I will try to share the recipe to make fried tempeh flour, the recipe is almost the same, the difference is only in the addition of ingredients
such as: 5 tablespoons flour, scallions sliced,
add 1 egg, a little turmeric paste, to make the dish more colorful and evocative tastes bright,
how to make:

mix flour, green onion, turmeric and mashed egg, mix well, add water seasoning blend of garlic and coriander are used to soak tempeh
input tempeh pieces one by one into the batter of flour,
fry in hot oil, lift the dough at flour look yellowish, serve when it hot with rawit chili
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