
Menu 5/2 - 5/8

 With the bright colorful azaleas and the blossoming dogwoods in bloom, our neighborhood is bursting with color and beauty.  I feel my energy returning and I find it's getting harder and harder to stay indoors each day.  Springtime in the DC area has got to be one of the loveliest times in the world...except maybe for DC autumns.  :)    Now  I just need to figure out how I can get the spring organizing done, while I spend as much time outdoors as possible.   

Now here is this week's menu getting lighter and easier with each passing week: 

Monday--Chicken and Slaw Sliders--Perfect for the warmer weather....we love the dill pickle flavor in the slaw! 

Tuesday--Asian Chicken Salad (new)

Wednesday--Breakfast:  Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits and Fresh Fruit--My favorite biscuits!

Dinner:  Double Decker Tacos (new)

Thursday--Chicken Mango Rice Salad--I haven't made this one since last summer and my sister keeps asking when I'll make it again....so I'm hoping this will give her a good excuse to come to dinner that night!  :)

Friday--Breakfast:  Whole-Grain Oatmeal Waffles (made into pancakes) with Buttermilk Caramel Syrup

Make-Your-Own Personal Pizza--Simple, easy, and everyone gets just what they want....win, win, win!

Saturday--Daddy Grilling! 

Dad's Coleslaw--My Dad's specialty....this is one of the few ways my kids will eat cabbage. 

Sunday--Breakfast:  Mom's Breakfast Cake---This was one of my favorite breakfasts to wake up to when I was a kid!  The delicious aroma of this cooking would sometimes be the only thing drag me out of bed before 10:00 on weekends when I was a teenager!  :)

Pretzel Rolls--I just got a sudden craving for these chewy rolls, reminiscent of a homemade pretzel!

Quinoa Wilted Spinach Salad
--This is our favorite new way to use healthy quinoa! 

Baked Ziti with Turkey Sausage--pasta and sausage is a family favorite of ours....YUM!

Go check Organizing Junkie for lots more Menu Plans!

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