


Hi Heart, this is such a wonderful surprise from South Africa. Congrats to you too for getting the special ‘SUNSHINE AWARD’ from @ Kate As Of Late
Many thanks for remembering me with your kind thoughts, which you have manifested through this award. I love daisies. I have always liked your beautiful saying- “The fire in my Eyes” and I wish you a million success.
Here‘s HEART’s link: http://inspiratience.blogspot.com/

The fire in my Eyes- HEART is currently pursuing her BA in Fine Arts and I wish her all the very best in her studies. I first knew her as a blogger on poetry recitals. Later. she started writing on life’s issues. We made occasional visits to each others blogs and I believe that from now on, we will become even closer cyber friends and friends in the virtual world.

I am Wan Maznah from Malaysia and I write cookbooks since last year, hence why I started a foodie blog. With this, I can simply conclude that other hobbies have faded along the way, due to time constraint. I like and admire artsy stuff like food art, craftwork, photography, nature, flowers and anything cultured, like live orchestra and theater performances.

Above all, I love the unique and very adorable Fireflies (Luciferase, Luciferin, Lightning bugs) which are now well hidden far in the remote forests, away from destruction by human..I miss them so much. They used to come and visit me, the last one came alone about 4 years ago and died in my room.          flckr             
Heart, like the sunshine that brightens up our days and our
The Fireflies however, brightens up my hours of darkness…

Wish I can give out more, but the rule says10 names. Here is my list of ten (in no particular order), whom I would like to share this inspirational “SUNSHINE AWARD”. Best of luck to all of you….
From: http://www.recipesdream.blogspot.com/

This Award is for the following URL

1. Ana Luiza (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)     

2. Katty (Malaysia)                                   

3. Syed Alfandi  (Malaysia)                     

4. Shohel Rana (Bangladesh) 

5. Balqis (Malaysia) Part and Parcel of Life http://lilstarrz09.blogspot.com/

6. Nava-K (Malaysia)    http://www.nava-k.com/

7. Mehjabeen Arif (USA) Food corner    http://www.comeletseat.blogspot.com/

8. Rawiyah (South Africa)     

9.  Nashnordin (Malaysia)               

10. umm  mymoonah (USA)                

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO HEART:  http://inspiratience.blogspot.com/   The fire in my Eyes

However, this award comes with a few rules, they are:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them
2. Tell us something about yourself.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers.
4. Let them know you awarded them !
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