
Molten Chocolate Cake

Molten Chocolate Lava Cake, sure you should love this, if you are Chocolate lover. I first had this sort of cake at dominos pizza. once even i tried by making nutella indentations inside chocolate cup cakes. which was good, but i did'nt see chocolate lava from it!! On Googling, i landed on my favourite Joy of Baking, referred to me by Nirmala. I just followed  the recipe and the outcome was Just Perfect to produce Lava..

Chocolate Lava Cake

Cake was just like Pudding. It's Chocolate inside and outside its little crisper and crumblier. It was Heavenly with Vanilla Ice Cream. I could'nt click decent pictures, as the Ice-cream melted over the hot cake. and the cake raised so good, but it went down soon after it is taken from oven. you got to experience this chocolate magic..

Molten Lava Cake


1/4 Cup     Butter (or) Margarine
1/3 Cup     Sugar (Powdered)
2                Egg's (seperated)
1 tsp          Vanilla extract
1 Cup        Dark Chocolate (6 oz. approx. 180 gms)


*  Melt the Dark Chocolate and Butter by Double Boiling Method.

*  Pre-Heat the Oven to 200C.

*  Take Half of the mentioned Powdered Sugar in the recipe and beat with Egg Yolks with Hand Mixer, till it turns out fluffy and pale white. Add Vanilla extract and beat in middle. It takes about 3 minutes by hand mixer and 5 minutes, if beating by hand. To this add the Melted Dark Chocolate, Butter and Beat with Hand mixer, till mixture is evenly mixed.

* In Another Bowl, beat the Egg White's with a pinch of salt, till soft peaks are formed. Add the rest of the granulated sugar while beating. Now mix it with the egg yolks and melted chocolate mixture. Mix them all together with a wooden spoon or spatula.

* Grease the Ramekin bowl's and dust it with some powdered sugar. Scoop in the the prepared chocolate mixture into ramekins bowl, just half of its size.

* Bake them at 200C for about 10-12 mins. Longer you bake, you wont get lava. the cake rasies well and you would get cracks on top of the cake.

* Serve with Vanilla Ice-cream for the Divine Experience. or dust with powdered sugar and serve with fresh cut fruits.

Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream


- I used Margarine and it was good. and this is the first time iam using margarine.
- I reduced to 2 eggs from 3 eggs as mentioned in recipe. yet, it was Good.
- Cake can be refrigerated and later microwave it for 20 seconds at high power, before serving.
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